Friday, December 11, 2009


Dear Victor,

I'm a Christian, but am tired of the double-standard when it comes to tithing. It seems the preachers want to tell us about giving all the time, but they never stop at the 10% rule. They always just seem to beg for money, no matter how much you give. Isn't this whole concept a little outdated? I mean, who really tithes today in Christianity?

Edwin C. - Moran, WY

Dear Edwin,

No, I don't think the concept of tithing is outdated. The Bible is clear that we are to be faithful in our support of the temple (our place of worship) and that Christ-followers are all supposed to be members of the temple (have a formal place of worship). So we have God's calling to belong to a church, be actively engaged in a church and to faithfully support that church and its ministries. It's a calling that never becomes outdated and will always remain relevant until Christ returns.

Who tithes? You'd be surprised. Many of us (including me) are faithful tithers. In fact, my wife and I give considerably more than 10% to God's work. But here's the thing - the Old Testament mentions tithe and the New Testament doesn't specify an amount. Jesus' message was that we are to love God first, and then to love others. So we aren't limited to 10%. We are only limited by our willingness to obey.

Put another way, it does not matter the size of your donation or the size of your income. What really matters here is the size of your obedience.

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