Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Slang Talk

Dear Victorious,

Why do people use slang when they talk? Is there a Biblical view of this?

Stephen V. - Marshall, TX

Dear Stephen,

It could be because they are ignorant and don't have a good language skills. It could be because they aren't sophisticated --- and maybe spend time around a lot of other people who use slang language. But I suspect the most common reason would be that it is a choice they make because it makes them sound cool, hip and relevant.

I don't know of a specific Scripture reference that would forbid the use of slang in communication. However, there are several places in Scripture where we are to speak only words that edify, conduct ourselves in a manner that is worthy, etc. So in general, I doubt that choosing to speak in slang would really be such a God-honoring proposition. That said, I'm aware that even some preachers do it so they can more effectively communicate with an audience. But like I said, that seems like a choice one makes to seem more cool.

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