Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ceremonially Clean

Dear Victorious,

In the Old Testament, people were referred to as being "ceremonially clean" or "ceremonially unclean." It seems like this was an important concept to God. What has happened to it in modern Christianity? Shouldn't we be concerned about it now?

Victor R. - San Antonio, TX

Dear Victor,

Of course we should be concerned about it now. However, what cleanses us today is quite different from what cleansed God's people in Old Testament times. Basically the difference is Jesus Christ. Before Christ, people had to cleanse themselves with ritual and abstinence. Today, we cleanse ourselves with faith and repentance, through Jesus Christ, who makes us whole and pure. So if you want to make sure you are clean and presentable to God, work on your faith and obedience to Jesus Christ, along with your repentance for sin.

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