Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sermon Series

Q: Why do preachers organize their sermons in series with catchy names? It's hard to tell what Scripture they're speaking from because they bounce throughout the Bible, all to keep with some theme. It's as if they're organizing their sermons like a TV series. Is this Biblical?

A: I'm not a preacher who does that, but I believe they do it for one of two possible reasons. First, they think it will be easier for their congregations to stay focused if they can pack the sermons under a common, culturally relevant title. Second, it may help them develop their sermons. Sometimes what a preacher believes he is called to preach just doesn't fit into one or two Sundays.

Your questions about whether sermons in a series are Biblical doesn't really have an answer. It could be Biblical - or it may not be. That is not really the question. Rather ask yourself what you expect when you sit down to hear a sermon. Are you expecting to hear an anointed Word from God Himself? That message is delivered through one of God's chosen messengers. The Bible calls them "prophets," because they are the ones who "speak for God." We call them preachers or pastors in our modern culture. But they're the equivalent of an Old Testament prophet.

So whether the sermon is in a series or stands alone, we should assume that it is an anointed Word directly from God, being delivered to us through His chosen (i.e., called) messenger ... a modern day prophet if you will.

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