Thursday, January 13, 2011

Biblical Worship?

Q: You answered a question recently about worship styles. But there are worship songs that don’t seem to be really Biblical. Especially in the contemporary genre, it seems that many of the songs are just “feel good” kinds of songs that paint a God that people wish for – but not necessarily a God who really is. What do we do about Christian songs that just aren’t based on God’s truth?

A: We ignore them. The Bible tells us to test everything that we are taught, against God’s Word. In other words, whatever someone tells us, teaches us, etc. needs to be examined in the light of God’s Word to see if it’s true. And songs are no different. We should look at the lyrics to any song we sing or listen to in order to make sure that they are truthful lyrics. Just because something sounds good doesn’t mean that it is good.

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