Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mark of the Beast

Dear Victorious,

I am getting increasingly uneasy about the number of "membership cards" I have to carry in order to do business. It seems everyone wants me to have one of their cards, in order to get the best price, etc. It's irritating too. But as a Christian, isn't this just moving us closer to "the mark of the beast?" It makes me afraid. How could we get around it without suffering more?

Anna W. - Auburn Hills, MI

Dear Anna,

Well, the honest answer is that I don't know. But if I examine what the Bible says, it seems that the "mark of the beast" will be necessary for conducting commerce or participating in the economy. One could argue that the U.S. social security number took us into that space decades ago. The value membership cards that everyone is pushing on us these days could play into it, I suppose. But unless those stores link up together, I doubt they can wield any real power over us.

So here's the thing. Christians are not to be afraid of the end times. Whether it's the Antichrist, the "mark of the beast" or whatever, we are not to fear it. So if you're confronted with something that makes you uncomfortable, I do have some advice. First, make sure your perspective and understanding are grounded in God's truth. But second, seek God's guidance in prayer before you decide. And finally, when you believe God has given you an answer, ask another mature Christian to help you discern whether it lines up with Scripture.

There may be things we are not to do in this future economy that seems to be pressing in on us. But not doing it won't be a struggle for someone who is being led by Christ.

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