Saturday, October 16, 2010

Good Anger

Dear Victorious,

I'm having a debate with my mom about whether or not anger can be used for good. She says it can. I say it can't. Who is right?

Cynda J. - Shreveport, LA

Dear Cynda,

I believe your mother is right. There is a big difference between uncontrolled rage and righteous indignation. Both are fueled by anger. But selfish anger will lead us to unhealthy venues. Generous anger, the kind that's concerned about others, will drive us to healthy, constructive venues.

Consider, for instance, the cases where Jesus got angry (and did not sin). His anger was provoked by unmet needs or exploitation of those less fortunate. So this emotion of anger that we have, it is either a tool for creation, or a weapon for destruction. The difference is in its source.

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