Saturday, October 9, 2010

Created Equal?

Dear Victorious,

The U.S. constitution says that "all men are created equal." Is this really true?

Ford A. - Beaverton, OR

Dear Ford,

No, I don't think it's really true - at least not in our understanding of what equal means. All men (and women) are created in God's own image. From that perspective we are all created equal. Remember that God's own image is that of a spiritual being. So in that sense, yes, we are equal.

As human beings though, the notion of equality couldn't be farther from the truth. We are as different as different could be. We have different skills, gifts, desires, flaws, weaknesses, strengths, dreams, etc. None of us in God's eyes is better than anyone else. But we really need to lay aside this notion of equality and be mature enough to know that equality from a human perspective is really not relevant criteria against which to live our lives.

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