Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael's Funeral

Dear Victorious,

What do you make of the lottery for tickets to attend the memorial service for Michael Jackson?

Lorraine N. - St. Paul, MN

Dear Lorraine,

I think it is another case of Michael's family trying to exploit him and capitalize on the opportunity. The Jacksons have always been very shrewd business people. They know that Michael could be worth much more in death and than he was ever worth alive. But they know that will take a carefully crafted strategy. What they're doing is brilliant.

The only thing that surprises me about it is that it's not even larger - such as being simulcast in multiple stadiums at once. I suspect that Michael Jackson's memorial service could fill several stadiums across the country or even in places outside the country. The thing that disappoints me is that this is true. The spiritual emptiness of the American people is shocking.

I read a letter to the editor of a newspaper yesterday - where someone wrote in and talked about how their "life has ceased to have any meaning" now that Michael Jackson is dead. Can you imagine anything more pathetic? Surely this is not the proper perspective for any of us to have Michael Jackson in!

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