Monday, July 20, 2009


Dear Victorious,

Do you think it's possible, from a Biblical perspective, that there are people living on other planets? It seems we've spent a lifetime imagining space aliens, Martians and other forms of life. Yet we haven't found it. Moreover, we haven't found any place in space that could actually sustain life.

Zachary B. - Dallas, TX

Dear Zachary,

Yes, I think it's possible. The Bible says that God created the heavens and the earth. It then goes on to speak of what He put on the earth (including mankind). It is silent about what else God may have created, or where.

Just because we haven't found life elsewhere doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And you have to remember that finding a place that would sustain life is currently limited to "life as we know it." The truth is, we don't know what other forms of life there could be. We are certainly aware of a spiritual realm of life that we can't see, touch, or even find. Nobody knows, for example, the precise location of heaven or hell.

It would not surprise me to find that God has created others elsewhere. But it would also not surprise me if mankind never finds them. God is way bigger than most of us can even begin to imagine. So is His creation.

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