Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sexual Purpose

Dear Victorious,

Why do you think God gave us sexuality?

Jerome D. - Lufkin, TX

Dear Jerome,

That is a loaded question. The Bible provides a great deal of information about sexuality. But it seems you are questioning its purpose. The truth is I really don't know. I can only look at the character and nature of God. I can only look at the character and nature of humanity. I can only consider the evidence before me. As I look at those things, I find myself surmising what might be a plausible answer.

One answer to our sexuality is for procreation. Little happens in any life form to procreate without sexuality. It seems to be a necessary part of how God gives life. Because He put us in human, physical bodies for a time, it would naturally follow that we would need to be sexual beings in order to procreate - according to God's plan for us.

Many mature Christians will tell you that another reason for our sexuality is to unify us. There isn't much in the Bible that dwells on such a theme. But that theory probably comes from the character and nature of God. We know, for example, that God wants us to become one spirit, one body, in holy matrimony. He desires unity for us. He has given us this incredible tool that will naturally drive us together. In our sexuality, we experience the height of human intimacy. We experience the height of pleasure. Ironically, we also experience the height of human vulnerability.

My personal belief? I think our human bodies have the sexual dimension first for the procreation purpose. But I agree with the theory that God uses that dimension for a highly spiritual purpose - to unite us in marriage and strengthen the union of that marriage.

Finally, let me say that in considering the purpose of sexuality, I find it helpful to consider what sexuality is not for. As I see the character and nature of God; as I see the will of God for His people --- it is clear to me that our sexuality is not for selfish reasons. That dimension was not given to us for our shear pleasure. That's not who God is. It has a godly purpose, first and foremost.

So any of the purposes that are self-indulgent automatically come off the list. Just as my hands and feet, heart and head are to please God - so too are my sexual parts. All of my being exists to serve and glorify God.

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