Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life's Disappointment

Dear Victorious,

What do you think is life's biggest disappointment?

Harvey T. - Washington

Dear Harvey,

It is hard to say. My first instinct is to say that life's biggest disappointment is different for each of us. But perhaps the most common disappointment - and the one that causes the most damage - is when we believe in someone and they fail us. That is different than other people not meeting our expectations. But when I think you are one person, and I make decisions, commitments, sacrifices and compromises that I think are worth it - I want you to be who I think you are. If you aren't - then those commitments, sacrifices and compromises aren't worth it. And I feel cheated. I feel foolish.

(I seem to be getting more philosophical questions like this. And I find myself wondering why!)

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