Sunday, April 26, 2009

Preacher's Pay

Dear Victorious,

I just got a good look at our church budget, and am wondering how much preacher's should get paid? Aren't they really becoming the "fat cats" of religion?

Jan T. - Phoenix, AZ

Dear Jan,

I wouldn't know about preachers becoming the "fat cats" of religion. To be honest, I'm not even sure what that means! But I have to tell you, it sounds like a broad generalization that is mean-spirited and lacking in love and grace. There may be preachers and pastors and other ministry leaders who appear to be wealthy (and some of them are). But to generalize all of them that way is really nasty and unloving.

How much should preachers be paid? They should be paid whatever it takes to afford them the lifestyle that their parishioners have. The Bible is clear that those who are ministered to are supposed support and care for those who do the ministering. For way too long organized religion has foisted this "vow of poverty" mentality on pastors. It causes them to live a miserable life, filled with needless suffering --- and vulnerable to Satan's attacks. Living in hardship, such as having no health insurance, greatly weakens the effectiveness of the minister. Finally, to not care for the pastor, minister, preacher, etc. is a blatant sin and rebellion against God.

So how much should your preacher(s) be paid? They should be paid as much as it takes to provide for them a lifestyle that is commensurate to that of those they minster to - and then a little more to bless them. A church should be proud of how much it pays its minister(s). When the minister is well-provided for I'd say that is a sign of a healthy, well-adjusted church.

And keep in mind that I'm not a paid minister. I tithe and my tithe funds the salaries of the minister(s) and staff at my church.

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