Sunday, April 12, 2009

Afraid of Dying

Dear Victorious,

I know you probably think you're saved and will go to heaven. Still though, aren't you afraid to die? (Tell the truth about it too!)

Michelle S. - Oklahoma City

Dear Michelle,

Yes, I think I'm one of God's chosen people, and that my sins are forgiven by the blood Jesus shed on the cross for me. It is personal for me, and not a broad generality that I just take for granted. So am I afraid to die? To be honest, I've never really given it that much thought. I suppose I'm more afraid to live than I am to die. I've seen how difficult life can be. I find that to be much more intimidating than death. In fact, there is nothing that I know about death that I find as onerous as what I know about life here on earth.

I see in Genesis that God created us in His own image. That means I am first a spiritual being. So in a sense, I like to think about death as a return to my natural state. As I write this response, I guess the answer is honestly, no ... I am not afraid of death. I think that if it comes in God's timing and God's way, it will be a perfect blessing.

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