Thursday, March 5, 2009


Dear Victorious,

I am a fan of self improvement books. I think of myself as a pretty disciplined individual as well. But lately I've been feeling challenged about the issue of self discipline. It seems that our preacher is stepping on my toes a lot lately and I wonder what that's about. What is self discipline and what should I do about it?

Self Conscious

Dear Self,

Self-discipline isn't a highly regarded virtue, even in Christian circles. It seems we are more drawn to self-fulfillment, self-satisfaction and even self-awareness. But make no mistake --- self-discipline is a Christian virtue. It is the character and nature of Christ that we want to emerge within us as Christ followers.

Self-discipline requires an honest look at your strengths and your weaknesses. It's not just a denial of self, but rather a sincere effort to develop your strengths and reform your weaknesses. It means building the will to say no when a powerful appetite inside you screams yes. When you can accomplish self-discipline, it enables you to say no to friends or situations that would lead you away from Christ. It would enable you to say no to casual sex - saving yourself for the intimacy of a committed marriage. Self-discipline will help you avoid laziness - in favor of a "can do" and even a "will do" attitude.

Self-discipline is a long, steady course in learning attitudes that do not come naturally, and channeling natural appetites towards God's purposes in your life. If the Holy Spirit is convicting you of the need for more self-discipline in your life, take a look at what natural attitudes you have and how well those line up with the character and nature of Christ.

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