I seem to be second-guessing myself often, and usually look at decisions I've made with regret. I'm sick of this cycle. How can I make better decisions?
Decisive Christian
Dear Decisive,
You ask a great question. More people need to be like you and ask it! All too often we make decisions with the wrong criteria. In other words, we base our decisions on the wrong things. When we do that, it doesn't automatically make those decisions wrong. But often they are wrong. Even when they're not wrong decisions, they're usually not the best decisions. So the first step to good decisions is to identify the appropriate criteria for the decision you're about to make.
I find there are several Biblical criteria available that help me make more sound decisions. When I follow this criteria, experience has taught me that I usually do not regret the decisions or even question them. Here are some questions to ask yourself with considering a decision.
- Will this decision I'm about to make help my witness for Christ?
- Am I motivated in this decision by a desire to help others know Christ?
- Will this decision enable me to do my best (i.e., lead to excellence in me)?
- Is what I'm considering specifically prohibited in Scripture? Does it violate Scripture?
- Does this decision represent the best and most beneficial course of action?
- Who else will be affected by this decision, and how well do I love them?
- Am I acting lovingly or selfishly?
- Will what I'm about to do glorify God? If so, how?
- Could what I'm considering cause someone else to sin or even just be tempted?
- Does this choice I'm considering violate any of my own principles or values?
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