Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fully God & Human

Dear Victorious,

I hear preachers explain that Jesus Christ was both fully God and full man. Honestly, I cannot get my head around this. Is there an easier way to understand this?

Jeanne N. - Roswell, NM

Dear Jeanne,

I don't know if there's an easier way to understand the Trinity (Father, Son & Holy Spirit). But I like to think of it like this: God took the human form of Jesus Christ. He was able to do this because He is both a spiritual being and the creator of all things physical. So it was literally possible for Him to create a human life form and insert Himself into that form.

Don't beat yourself up for struggling to grasp this. Most people have to really think about it quite a bit to fully grasp it. In fact, the travesty is that more people don't wrestle with it. If more of us contemplated this reality, we might stand more in awe of this Holy God that we serve. What He did was perhaps the most spectacular thing mankind has ever seen. Yet I suspect even Christians take it for granted.

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