Monday, November 30, 2009

Dating Advice

Dear Victorious,

I'm single and am tired of the dating scene. I've heard the saying that one has to "kiss a lot of frogs" to find their true love. But that's an exhausting process. What would you recommend for someone in my shoes.

Lakeesha W. - Milwaukee, WI

Dear Lakeesha,

I'd recommend a paradigm shift. You're stuck in a cycle of insanity (described as doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result). So stop the cycle and do something radically different.

There's a book called "I Kissed Dating Goodbye," and is written by author Josh Harris. ( Get yourself a copy of this book and read it from cover-to-cover before you go on even one more date.

1 comment:

  1. You might enjoy my blog where I also critique Josh Harris's book:
    "I Kissed Dating Goodbye: Wisdom or Foolishness?"

    Unfortunately Josh Harris is quick to point out the defects of dating but won't admit the problems and defects with his approach. Even at his own church he acknowledged a number of problems but doesn't share them on his website.
