Friday, September 3, 2010


Dear Victorious,

What do you think of religions that eschew technology? I'm talking about the Amish or the Mennonites, for example. Some of these religions won't even drive a car! They don't have a TV or a telephone. It seems that they function in society without being a part of that society. Is their position really Biblical?

DeShawn W. - Coffeyville, KS

Dear DeShawn,

The religions that you mention are both high regarded by most other religions. I believe this is because they live virtuous lives and behave in godly ways. That they eschew technology is not part of the criteria that gives us that impression though.

I don't find anything in the Bible that would suggest we shouldn't embrace, leverage and exploit new technologies as they emerge. In fact, these technologies can be wonderful blessings and be very useful in doing God's work and advancing His Kingdom.

On the other hand, Satan has proven very adept at exploiting most things that man meant for good. Consider how many people are killed in automobile accidents. Or consider the proliferation of pornography ... on the same Internet that a great deal of ministry work gets done on.

The Bible tells us to resist temptation and flee the devil. Certain religions have defined certain technologies as being unworthy of the risk (temptation) that they carry.

I see no difference between the Amish not having a TV or the Mormons not drinking alcohol. Both groups of people have decided to refrain from something that could corrupt them. Frankly, I think the country would be better off if more of us would do that!

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