Thursday, September 9, 2010

God's Breath

Dear Victorious,

There is a Beatles' song with the lyric that says something like, "The New York Times says God is dead ..." What if that could actually happen? What if God actually did somehow die? Where would that leave humans?

Derek J. - Tempe, AZ

Dear Derek:

That's a pretty big question actually. I don't think there is any theological answer to such a question. However, I can think of two specific responses that would be truths.

First, if God could die, then we have not actually even known God. For one of His most innate characteristics is that He always was and always will be.

Second, if God were actually dead, then all life would cease and all humanity would turn to dust. He breathed life into us. Without His breath then, we have no life.

So in conclusion, it would be impossible for the New York Times (or any other newspaper) to accurately report that God is dead. For if it were true, then He wasn't God or there wouldn't be anyone to report it!

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