Monday, August 16, 2010

Imporant Lesson

Dear Victorious,

If there is one lesson from the Bible that is most important, what do you think it would be?

Jason R. - Lima, OH

Dear Jason,

Gosh, there are so many important lessons in the Bible that it makes your question incredibly difficult. In fact, this may be the hardest question I've ever received! We could talk all day about what the most important lesson in the Bible is. No doubt that would be a topic of great debate even among Bible scholars. In fact, the more that someone knows the Bible, the more difficult that question might be to answer.

I suppose if I were to pick one thing though, it would really be the opportunity that we have to learn who God is. God reveals Himself to us in the Bible. Through His Word, we learn His character and His nature. We learn of His power and His love. We learn His values and priorities. We learn how He wants us to live. To my way of thinking, the Bible is a place of discovery. While it has much to say about virtually every aspect of life, it's most important message, in my opinion, is simply who God is.

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