Sunday, October 18, 2009

Going Green

Dear Victorious,

Do Christians have to go green? Our pastor is preaching about going green in our church. He wants everyone to agree to buy hybrid cars, solar power, recycled products, etc. It feels like he is being too pushy about this. Is there anything in the Bible that says we should?

David R. - Norman, OK

Dear David,

No, there is nothing specific in the Bible about being "earth friendly." However, we are admonished in the Bible not to take anything for granted, to be good stewards of what we're given, etc. So it does seem that it would be a good idea for Christians to be good stewards ... and responsible consumers ... of the earth's resources.

Having said that though, I notice that God is not hesitant to totally obliterate resources in going about His business. Consider the resources that He squanders with destructive storms and other natural disasters. God knows that the earth, and everything on it, will one day pass away. So it is far more important that we value God and His people than we do the earth and its resources.

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