Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Christian Halloween

Dear Victorious,

Is it okay for Christians to celebrate Halloween?

Tammy F. - Cape Girardeau, MO

Dear Tammy,

The simple answer is no. But I suppose the more socially acceptable answer is found in what you're actually celebrating. The Bible is clear that we are not to be entertained by things of the underworld (evil). So it is troubling to see skeletons becoming fashion statements in our modern culture. But having a fall festival, carving a pumpkin, playing some games, dressing up in fun costumes, etc. is probably okay. As a Christian, I would just watch the costumes and decorations to make sure that we're not "entertaining ourselves (or others) with evil." No skeletons. No ghastly or truly frightening displays. Philippians 4:8 says we are to focus on things that are "excellent and worthy of praise." If your Halloween decorations, costumes and games can meet that criteria, then I would say it's okay. But be careful. It's an easy line to cross.

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