Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Divine Healing

Dear Victorious,

I have a friend who used to struggle with addiction and she says that God miraculously freed her from that addiction. I find this highly unbelievable. Do you think God really delivers people in such a way from common 'struggles of the flesh?'

Marsha H. - Sherwood, AR

Dear Marsha,

Yes, I believe that God can and does deliver people wholly and completely from the addiction of bondage or other afflictions of the flesh. As a realist, I'm also aware that this may not be the experience of most people. For many us, freedom from the bondage of sins of the flesh is a journey to be walked out as we grow in our relationship with Christ. The more I surrender to Him, the more He delivers me. For some of us that could take a lifetime. For some of us that could happen in one day.

The thing is that we cannot base our belief on what God can and cannot do, or will and won't do based on the experiences of individuals or even the experiences of most. We must base our beliefs and expectations on the truth of God's Word. God's promises are real and tangible. If He is not meeting our expectations when they are based on His truth, then the most likely culprit is our own faith, obedience or trust in Him.

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