Sunday, November 14, 2010

Unfaithful Spouse?

Dear Victorious,

Is there a way to know if your spouse is faithful? I don't have any reason to believe my husband is cheating on me. But if he ever did, I just couldn't handle that. What can a Christian woman do to protect herself in a situation like this? I know my husband is human, so there's always a risk that he could fail me.

Diane V. - Colleyville, TX

Dear Diane,

Here's the thing, if you're the Christ-follower that you tell me you are, then you have to trust Jesus for your security. You're right in that your husband and every other person whom you may have a relationship with could fail you. After all, they're only human. But Jesus is not. He is God. And He is sufficient for any pain you might suffer when humans fail you.

You seem to be suffering from something that hasn't happened. (We call that "worry.") Stop it. Embrace the relationship you have with your husband. Invest in it. And don't spend even a second trying to figure out a "Plan B" for when that relationship hits difficult spots. Instead, spend your time drawing close to God. He is your "Plan B" for all your relationships.

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