Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hearing God

Dear Victorious,

Recently our pastor preached a sermon on hearing God. He basically said that if you never hear God speaking to you, then maybe you don't really have a relationship with Him. That seems like a pretty nasty way of putting it. I've been a Christian for a very long time, and God simply doesn't speak to me like He does to other people. But that doesn't mean I'm not a Christian!

Shayla V. - McKinney, TX

Dear Shayla,

I think I might know the church you're going to. My pastor preached a similar sermon recently! In all candor, look at what the preacher said here. He wasn't saying you're not saved. He wasn't saying you're not a Christian. He was saying that if you don't hear God speaking to you, then perhaps you aren't listening as well as you think you are.

God has plenty to say to His children. He is our God and we are His people. He has guidance and direction for us every single day of our lives. If someone isn't getting that from Him, then the most logical place to look is at how effective their relationship with God really is.

Don't take offense to what has been said. But understand that God wants to speak to each and every single one of His children. If you're not hearing Him, then just accepting that and living with a status quo is not the right response. Instead, you should be examining your ways to see how you can become a better listener.

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