Thursday, November 11, 2010

Driving Out Fear

Dear Victorious,

I know the Bible says that perfect love drives out fear. Does that mean if fear is still present that perfect love is not present? Isn't the level of fear in someone really then a measure of their relationship with God?

Carl V. - Fort Worth, TX

Dear Carl,

No, I don't think that's what it means. 1 John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear ... The one who fears is not made perfect in love." On the surface, this would seem to suggest that the presence of fear equals the absence of Christ. That is not the case. Perfect love is the love of Jesus Christ that dwells within His followers. When someone commits their life to Christ, submits to and obeys Him, they are filled with His perfect love.

Now the perfect love of Jesus Christ overwhelms the fear that tries to occupy us. It doesn't say that the fear will disappear. Rather it will be driven out, overcome, put in its place. No longer will fear be legitimate decision criteria. No longer will fear have any power over us. Mind you, fear will still be present and still try to persuade us that it is in charge. Fear will lie to you and tell you that it is strongest and that you must obey your fears. But perfect love recognizes those lies for what they are. Perfect love says, "Do it afraid!"

Frankly, a total absence of fear might sooner equal the absence of common sense or a level of ignorance about the real, practical risks. But those who are truly in Christ Jesus can see the risks and not be intimidated by them. They know that their faith --- and His grace, will be sufficient to mitigate the risks that they know are very tangible.

Perfect love drives out fear. To be sure, fear will always want to drive out Christ's perfect love. But it never will. (It just doesn't seem to know that!)

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