Wednesday, February 23, 2011

After God's Heart?

Q: I've read your blog but don't accept your explanation of why King David was "a man after God's own heart." Come on! The guy was despicable. He's everything that we tell our daughters to avoid in life! How can you say such things about him?

A: First of all, I didn't say it. God did. (1 Samuel 13:14 & Acts 13:22) It is true enough that King David was quite a prolific sinner. His sins were many and some were pretty shocking. But, just like the rest of us, his standing before/with God has nothing to do with his level of sinfulness. (And neither does ours.)

King David displayed an uncanny ability to learn from his mistakes (sins). He had a heart that accepted God's correction. David also understood God's loving forgiveness. He knew how to live a forgiven life.

It was David's openness to Gods grace that set him apart from any other sinful man (or woman). David knew the joy of forgiveness. He had been forgiven much - and he knew it. In a sense, you might say King David practiced Romans 8:1 even before it had been written!

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