Saturday, July 10, 2010

Name the Baby

Dear Victorious,

We are expecting our first child this coming winter and are discussing possible names for the baby. Is there any Biblical guideline for naming one's child?

Deenan P. - Colorado Springs, CO

Dear Deenan,

No, there are not. However, there are plenty of Scriptures that give us guidelines which in general should guide our parenting --- and that would include the naming of the child. Ephesians 6:4 and Colossians 3:21 both tell us that we are not to "exasperate" or "embitter" our children that they might become discouraged. There are also several passages of Scripture that tell us we are to love one another as we would want to be loved (i.e., Mark 12:31).

So I wouldn't choose a name that would be hard to pronounce, might be embarrassing, might elicit taunts from other children, is stupid, etc. I would also not give a child a name that I wouldn't want to carry myself.

There is also Scripture that calls God's people to be holy, not have false idols, avoid godlessness, etc. So I wouldn't give a child a profane name, a demonic name, or name my child after a celebrity or other "false god."

Beyond these guidelines, I think you'll find there are plenty of names for you to consider as suitable for your child.

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