Monday, March 1, 2010

Marketplace Ministry

Dear Victorious,

My husband and I have been asked to support a ministry that is focused on the marketplace. They're basically trying to take Christianity into the workplace and into businesses. Frankly, I'm skeptical. My husband seems to be sold on this, but the guy that's asking for the money is playing golf with him regularly. I don't believe the Lord is telling us to support this ministry - at least not financially. Moreover, I'm unsure about the impact of such a ministry. What do you think?

Helen R. - Sugar Land, TX

Dear Helen,

What I think is probably not as important as what the truth of the matter is. Remember you're looking for God's truth in every situation. So what is God's truth? That's the question we need to answer.

First and foremost, God wouldn't call your husband to support something without at least giving you peace with it. So the fact that you two are not on the same page is a huge red flag. This needs to be prayed over, and both of you should be at peace about it before you move forward.

Second, I believe that the concept of Christian values in business is certainly appropriate. But too many ministry endeavors to the marketplace look like fraternities. They're just clubs for people who are in business anyway and want to wave the Jesus flag. They have little, if any, kingdom impact in terms of making disciples or ministering to people in need.

If I were going to support a marketplace ministry, I am sure God would want to see specific activities that fulfill the Great Commission (i.e., love God and love others). So helping business leaders find practical ways to apply Biblical principles in their businesses or discipling the workers in the business are examples of things I'd look for ... as I prayed and asked God's guidance on the matter.

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