Thursday, March 4, 2010


Dear Victorious,

Is unemployment (insurance) Biblical? I say that having the government support you is not God's way. We're supposed to trust God to take care of us. My husband says it's bad stewardship to leave money on the table that we're entitled to. He says it is God's way of taking care of us. Please settle this argument for us.

Martha C. - Coatesville, PA

Dear Martha,

I'm not sure there's a right or wrong answer here. You see, socialism and even communism are closer to Biblical models than capitalism and democracy. Biblically speaking, everyone is supposed to be taken care of when they are in need. But they are supposed to be cared for by the churches and by neighbors and those who love them (i.e., family). When this doesn't happen, government tends to step in.

I don't think there's anything wrong with taking unemployment payments from the government if you meet the qualifications and truly need the money. On the other hand, there is also nothing wrong with letting the government keep that money if you aren't really in need.

It's this concept of entitlement that I suspect will get us into the most trouble when we're trying to line ourselves up with righteousness. That is what is not Biblical. Christ-followers know they aren't entitled to anything ... and that everything they have or get is a precious gift from God.

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