Saturday, March 20, 2010

Porn Industry

Dear Victorious,

I've read that pornography is one of the fastest growing areas of the Internet --- and that Christians are probably just as involved in it as anyone. Do you think this is true? If it is, then can you explain why?

Darcy M. - Corsicana, TX

Dear Darcy,

I don't know if Christians are using as much pornography as everyone else. But I suspect it is true. My observation is that the vast majority of self-professed Christians in America don't really look or act much different than the world around them. So in terms of consumption and behavior, whatever is true of the world I would guess is true of the people calling themselves Christians. (I know, it's a cruel reality to admit. But sometimes the truth hurts!)

Why would Christians act just like everyone else? Again, I don't really know, but I would venture to guess that it's because they can. Because they don't value morality as much as they say they do. Because they think living a double life is okay. Because they don't believe the consequences of such sins are real (or at least are all that bad).

Basically it's a moral failure that allows self-professed Christ-followers to act in ways that are so contrary to the very nature of Christ Himself.

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