Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Global Warming

Dear Victor,

Do you think global warming is real? It seems that the messages are very mixed here, and I suspect we're being deceived about the truth. How could we find the truth on this subject?

Nancy V. - Plano, TX

Dear Nancy,

Like you, I'm questioning the subject. I suspect there are two things going on here. The first would be opposing viewpoints. The second would be misinformation. We have a potentially very contentious issue because it requires mankind to change its collective behavior - and threatens very dire consequences if we don't. That in itself makes it a volatile subject, ripe for controversy.

So what's the truth and how do we get to the truth? I don't think the question is whether global warming is true or not. The question is what perspective we should put it in if it is true. The question is our stewardship of earth's resources. The question is the selfish, piggish behaviors of mankind. Let's face it, belching filth into the atmosphere, dumping sewage into the oceans, lakes and rivers or burying tons and tons of toxic waste don't seem like very wise things for good stewards to be doing to their environment --- global warming or not!

We need to take a look at the history of the world. And we need to take a look at the nature and character of God. We need to consider the truth's of Scripture. Here are some things we might find if we do that:

1. Global warming has occurred in the past, over the course of millions of years. Consider, for example, that North America was once covered by glaciers. If not for global warming, we probably wouldn't be living here!

2. The conditions of earth change over time. Species of animals and plants have been disappearing for centuries. (Anyone seen a dinosaur lately?)

3. God, in His infinite wisdom, told us to be fruitful and multiply, filling the earth and taking dominion over everything on it. Why would God do this? He knew how we would behave? Do you suppose it was God's will that mankind destroy His creation? (I doubt it.)

4. The Bible tells us that the earth will be destroyed anyway. It will not endure in its present state forever. So everything that we know in this world is only here for a season (including us). It all gets renewed somewhere down the line.

You see, I think the point is that there may in fact be a phenomenon that we could call global warming. But I doubt very seriously that it means what we think it means.

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