Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Your Intent

Dear Victorious,

Why do you do this? I mean, why do you answer these letters? Are you hoping to become the Ann Landers of the Christian world?

Damon B. - Jackson, MS

Dear Damon,

That's a good question. I started writing a blog, and over time started to get emails from people in response to that blog. As time went on, the emails had nothing to do with anything I had blogged about. People were asking me questions of their own - asking for my perspective on their situations or circumstances. Being the polite guy that I am, I was answering those questions too.

One day I decided to share the questions and answers with the public. When I did that, to my surprise, the questions increased. Today I can share at least one question a day. There are enough of them.

So where is this going? What's my intent? I'm not sure I have any real intent. Similarly, I don't really know where it's going. Perhaps I will become famous with this. Or perhaps the questions will stop coming and the blog itself will shut down. To be honest, I most often expect the latter - and not the former.

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