Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Christian Technology

Q: What does the Bible have to say about modern technology? I mean are Christians supposed to embrace it or turn from it? I notice the Amish, for example, eschew most modern technologies. And I know the Mennonites do too, albeit to a lesser extent (they drive cars). Is there a Biblical basis for such decisions? Would Jesus have a cell phone or text His disciples?

A: I'm not aware of any Bible passage that would instruct or even guide Christ-followers to eschew modern technological advancements. In fact, I'm pretty sure that many of God's blessings come in the form of technological advancements. Consider, for example, advancements in medical technology. They often lead to answered prayer. Everything from home construction to transportation to education to communication and other forms of technology often pave the way for God to bless us.

On the other hand, whatever is meant for good can also be used for evil. Satan loves nothing better than to appropriate what's good for his own purposes. We've seen television be a double-edged sword, bringing us both high quality or even Biblical entertainment, education and inspiration. At the same time, it brings us crap that at a minimum undermines Christian values and at a maximum blatantly offends. The same is true for automobiles, cell phones, laptops and other modern technologies. The best example I can think of are the parents whom I see sitting in restaurants or just out in public with their children --- but who are absorbed in their texting or emails and blatantly ignore their children. The technology can get in the way of our relationships rather easily.

So would Jesus have texted His disciples? I suspect He would have. But I'm equally confident that Jesus would have turned off His Blackberry when it was time to pray, or during a meal or worship service. I don't even think He'd have left it on vibrate. Simply put, Jesus knew that technology was intended to serve mankind ... and not enslave us. And He would have been astute at realizing when that fine line was crossed. We should be that astute as well!

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