Tuesday, January 12, 2010

False Teachers

Dear Victorious,

I suspect that a preacher at our church is a false teacher (in the Biblical sense). How can I be sure?

Percy I. - Carbondale, IL

Dear Percy,

I'm not sure what you mean by someone being a false teacher "in the Biblical sense." But if I read my Bible's warnings about false teachers, and examine the credentials for true teachers, there are three criteria that come to mind about false teachers:

1. Their teachings do not confirm what Scripture already says.

Preaching or teaching should have an element of redundancy in that nothing should be preached or taught which isn't already stated in Scripture.

2. They don't proclaim that Jesus is God.

Preaching or teaching should only help to point people to God. It should narrowly focus people on the gospel of Jesus Christ ... and not distract them with false gods like leadership, prosperity or service.

3. Their own life style is not consistent with Biblical morality.

The teacher must be living a life that is testament to what they teach. In other words, the teacher must excel at "walking the talk."

Having made these three points though, be cautious about this third point. Preachers and teachers are human. Thus they are infallible, hopeless sinners in desperate need of a Savior. You'll have to give them grace for their own sins and not judge them. So, for example, don't expect them to be sinless. Rather expect them to be repentant about their sin.

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