Monday, September 14, 2009

Why Believe?

Dear Victorious,

Why do you think most people are Christians? I mean, what is the reason that most people believe as they believe?

Arnold D. - Wheatland, WY

Dear Arnold,

I suspect there are two reasons why most people believe as they do in Christianity today. The first is simply tradition. I suspect that religion is handed down from one generation to another. And this would be true in any religion - not just Christianity. The second is fear. People are afraid to end up in hell, so they believe.

Of course, neither is a good reason to believe. The challenge for every Christian today is to find better reasons to believe. The Bible tells us to know why we believe, and be prepared to defend our faith. That doesn't mean be prepared to debate which faith is the truest one. That means to know the true reasons why you believe.

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